This was going to be a big deal. I knew
I didn’t even
know, actually, the meaning of “project,” what a project is.
If you ever had
mentioned the word to me, all I could have summoned up would have been a memory
of my mother telling me about the Saturday morning cellar cleanup: “Don’t make
a federal project out of it.”
Mom was expressing
a culturally current joke reference that influenced my automatic reaction to
the idea of a project. In that conception, a project was an unnecessarily
complicated and time-consuming ritual intended to draw things out and waste time
instead of just getting the job done.
Just get it done!
Do it. Roll up
your sleeves and get to work. Don’t sit around theorizing and “planning.” Act.
Do. Produce.
Today, many years
and countless iterations later, it is a little bit of a surprise to stop and
realize that things haven’t changed all that much. Many, maybe most,
organizations of all kinds are committed to action. Period.